Coat Types Used For Twc Carriers

When selecting suitable coats for protecting TWC carriers there are several options available depending on specific application requirements pertaining each model being manufactured currently viz:

1)Polyurethane Paint Commonly known as PU paint among automotive professionals; this versatile painting method utilizes water based polymer solutions combined together using special catalysts resulting into durable finish capable enough withstand scratches & minor dents plus resisting fading even after exposure direct sunlight over prolonged period times!


2) Zinc Primer/Paint A popular choice among manufacturers who prefer thicker protective layers than provided by conventional paints these zinc based lacquers offer superior adhesion characteristics along providing excellent abrasion resistance while still being easy work with during installation phase itself! However they do possess slightly higher curing temperatures compared its counterparts but overall still competitive option worth considering definitely due factors mentioned above already stated earlier point blank no doubt about it all whatsoever though…      

3 ) Powder Coating An increasingly popular alternative thanks advancements made recent years powder coated finishes offer unbeatable scratch & chip free performance coupled amazing color retention abilities plus relatively low curing temperature requirement compared most traditional painting methods out there today so far speaking frankly honest truth here folks!


Advanced automatic coating process

Precise Quantitative Coating

High-precision discharge nozzle

Ensure uniformity and consistency of coating

Directional hot air sweep


Concentrate on the product

fast drying

Can effectively reduce energy consumption

Eleven temperature ranges

High precision temperature control system

Escort for product quality

Kaite Environmental Protection adheres to the principle that innovation is fundamental

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Gasoline vehicles, diesel vehicles, motorcycles, natural gas vehicles, methanol vehicles, etc.



                     Although there numerous types different coating processes currently use protect three-way catalytic converter (TWC) carriers automotive industry today however selection should depend upon specific needs.

Post time: Mar-10-2023